Prospective Marriage Visa
Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300
What is Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300?
If you are offshore and want to migrate to Australia to be with your partner or spouse, you have two options:
The Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300) is for people who want to come to Australia to marry their prospective spouse. It is a temporary visa valid for 9 months. During these 9 months, you are expected to come to Australia and get married. Once you are married, you would be eligible to apply for the onshore Partner visa (Subclass 820/801).
If you intend to get married outside of Australia or within a short period of time then this visa may not be for you. You should consider the other partner visa options as above.
What is the Application for Process Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300?
There are two stages for the application:
+ Requirements
+ Limitations
+ Undertakings
+ What is suitable evidence of a genuine intention to marry?**
+ What is a Notice of Intention to Marry (NOIM)? **
Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 Processing Time
A Prospective Marriage Visa application might take two years to process. According to the Department of Home Affairs, the majority of applications are completed within 22 months.
What We Like About Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300 Visa?
The Onshore or Offshore Partner visa has stringent requirements to show that there is a genuine de facto or spousal relationship. You can read about the legal requirements here.
For the prospective marriage visa, there is no specific legal requirement to assess the same stringent requirements of a genuine relationship. Instead, the assessment is whether there is a genuine intention to marry which makes it easier to be granted with this visa, especially where you may not have strong enough evidence to satisfy all four (4) factors that form part of the stringent requirements.
You can also save costs when applying for an onshore Partner visa program as the second step after this visa is granted.
What Mistakes Do People Usually Make When Applying for Prospective Marriage Visa Subclass 300??
The most common mistake generally originates from a lack of research and understanding for the visa subclass. Timing is key for this visa. You need to factor in the processing time for the visa which constantly fluctuates and also the maximum 9 month visa grant period, as you must show an intention to marry during the visa grant period. If you present an intention to marry too early, then you may not get the visa in time. If it is outside the visa grant period, then your visa will be refused as you have failed to present an intention to marry during the visa grant period.
Other common mistakes are:
Providing insufficient or wrong types of evidence that does not support any legal requirement
Providing documents without sufficient explanation
The visa applicant must remain offshore at the time of grant. (Though, this does not prevent the visa applicant from making a short trip to Australia first, in the meantime).
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What Questions Do Migration Agents Ask Our Accredited Specialists
My Client got married before their prospective marriage visa was granted. How can they not waste the time and money spent on this visa?
How can my Client come to Australia for a short visit if the Prospective marriage visa is not granted yet?
If the Sponsor is barred from sponsoring further people, can this be overcome?
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